Thursday, May 03, 2007

Road Beautification

Some of the city streets in a certain Northern Emirate are divided boulevards. One of these divided roads had a median with grass, trees, and a border of 'wild' flowers.

Now the median has only the trees: all the grass and flowers have been removed.

Where the grass was, workers are now laying stones in complex geometric patterns.

In the West, such a project would have appeared in the newspapers, with an explanation of why the new version was going to be a vast improvement over the old version, but here we can only watch and wonder.


Blogger nzm said...

....and be thankful that paving won't be using as much water as plants, grass and trees!

They seriously need to consider doing this in Dubai too.

12:31 pm  
Blogger Harsha said...

nzm u say paving is better than the grass, flowers and trees?

3:16 pm  
Blogger nzm said...

Harsha: yes I am - especially when it comes to conserving water which is a very precious commodity in these parts.

The distillation of sea water which is how the UAE gets a lot of its fresh water is a very costly process which depends on huge amounts of energy (oil, electricity) to produce.

There are attractive and more economically sustainable ways to make concrete (sculptures and statues) and paving a more durable and viable way to beautify areas instead of planting flora which depend on water and constant care to survive. It all looks great for a few years, and then the irrigation pipes start to decay or cease to work, and the plants start dying anyway.

It's a shocking waste of resources - especially when "beautifying" areas that people don't even bother to look at when racing past in their cars. Save it for meaningful areas like parks where people can linger and enjoy.

2:09 pm  

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