L. Paul Bremer's Op-Ed piece
In yesterday's Gulf News, Paul Bremer had an op-ed piece titled "US made the right decisions in Iraq." It is some of the most self-serving, arrogant nonsense to ever appear in print.
In Korea, with the support of the Western press, the US could say that the Allies strictly followed the Geneva convention, that they never mistreated prisoners or killed civilians, and no one reported anything to the contrary. Most of those brought up in the West believed what the US was saying, since there was no hard evidence to the contrary, and there were good reasons to disbelieve the claims by the Communists, 'the enemies of freedom and democracy,' that the US had slaughtered, in cold blood, entire villages filled with women and children.
In Iraq, we watched public videos of the US abuses and mismanagement, we continue to watch new videos of continuing abuse and mismanagement, and now we have to read nonsense like Bremer's.
The man has no shame whatsoever, and assumes that if one lies long enough, people will somehow come to believe the opposite of what they've seen with their own eyes.
In Korea, with the support of the Western press, the US could say that the Allies strictly followed the Geneva convention, that they never mistreated prisoners or killed civilians, and no one reported anything to the contrary. Most of those brought up in the West believed what the US was saying, since there was no hard evidence to the contrary, and there were good reasons to disbelieve the claims by the Communists, 'the enemies of freedom and democracy,' that the US had slaughtered, in cold blood, entire villages filled with women and children.
In Iraq, we watched public videos of the US abuses and mismanagement, we continue to watch new videos of continuing abuse and mismanagement, and now we have to read nonsense like Bremer's.
The man has no shame whatsoever, and assumes that if one lies long enough, people will somehow come to believe the opposite of what they've seen with their own eyes.
Okay, I read enough of the op-ed to make me want to throw up. Read Imperial Life in the Emerald City. Bremer has a lot of nerve pointing fingers, since he was given "carte blanche" for all decisions in Iraq. He was known as "the viceroy." He essentially destroyed any possibilities the country had for restructure - he created the blowback. But just like Tenet he got an award - "good job Paulie!" Everyone's trying to wash their hands of this - "out damn spot, out!"
The biggest problem is that I think he genuinely believes the rubbish he talks is true.
When's the bus coming that will take all these looneytoons away?
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