Sunday, March 04, 2007


A saleslady from my bank called at 9:00 a.m. At 9:00 a.m., if I'm not working, I'm still asleep. As it was, I was at work with no one around, so I let her talk. 'Would you like accident insurance? It covers everything from a cut finger to, heaven forbid, a major accident.'

'I need to see it in writing.'

'OK, but we have to charge €3 to send you the policy. If you don't like it, just call us and we'll refund your €3.'

So I said, 'OK.'

'Please wait.'

People started to gather, but waited since I was on the phone. Ten minutes passed while I was on hold. Finally, another sales lady came on the line.

'Sir, if you are interested in our insurance, we have many more financial products. Let me tell you all about them.'

'I'm busy now. Good bye.'

So I don't know if I'll be getting the €3 policy or not. I hope not. If it comes, I intend to cancel and get my €3 back.

Moral (for salespeople) a) if the sucker agrees to buy your overpriced, worthless product, don't put him on hold for ten minutes before agreeing to take his money; and b) don't press your luck. Especially at 9:00 a.m.


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