Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Death of Saddam Hussein

In 2003, I watched the Iraq War on Al Jazeera, which was then only in Arabic, and on Fox, which was then free to air.

On Al Jazeera, Baghdad was just like Paris in 1939. It was all in Arabic, which I do not understand, but a war movie is a war movie. I kept waiting to see Ahmed Bogart at the train station waiting for Fatima Bergman.

On Fox, Baghdad was just like Paris in 1944. I kept waiting for Hemmingway to appear and comment on the victory.

Strangely, I now believe both Al Jazeera and Fox were reporting equally valid versions of the truth.

Today, I watched the announcement of Saddam's execution on Al Jazeera, English, and on CNN.

On CNN, the death of a dictator after a fair and just trial was putting fear into the hearts of all the other dictators on the planet, who were hurriedly packing their bags and preparing to depart, leaving their countries in peace and freedom.

On Al Jazeera, a Mafia-style murder had silenced a former mob hit-man before he could spill the beans on any of the Capi.

Shiites say that Saddam's death was on Arafa Day. Sunnis, who almost always have a different Islamic calendar than Shiites, say that Saddam was executed on Eid al-Adha, the day of sacrifice. Under the Sunni calendar, Saddam was sacrificed along with the Sunni goats.

Not so strangely, I believe one of these versions is much closer to the truth than the other.


Blogger Seabee said...

I know which version I believe too!

1:33 pm  
Blogger nzm said...

Just another smack in the face by the Shiite to the Sunni.

Despite that Saddam did was atrocious, (and not forgetting that he would never have been able to do it without the help of the CIA putting his party into power), I think that what most people overlook or don't take into consideration was here was a Sunni leader in a minority Sunni country trying to keep his fellow sect members alive inbetween skirmishes with Kurds and Shia.

It's hard to know how anyone else would have ruled under those conditions, but it doesn't excuse him for what he did.

11:22 pm  
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