Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Arabic Night Club

My boss told me that the hotel where I'm staying is notorious for young ladies of negotiable virtue. I haven't seen any. An Arab friend came to visit, and looked at the receptionist, who smiles at all guests and wears neither abaya nor veil, but is practically naked in the official hotel uniform (i.e, standard Western dress). He immediately concluded that she was renting more than rooms (though the only encouragement I've ever seen her give anyone is a smile of 'Welcome to the Hotel').

My Arab friend went with me to one restaurant/bar, but they don't serve dish-dashes. We then went to the Arab restaurant/bar, where we were promised Lebanese dancers and Syrian singers. On stage, 11 young women stood around, moving very little, and looking bored. Behind them, two singers performed some Arabic hit songs. 'So those are Lebanese dancers,' I said. 'No. Lebanese are much prettier. They must be from [name of country with undeserved reputation for ugly women deleted].'

A man came by selling plastic bracelets for €5 to €100. In front of the stage were three bottles of expensive French champagne. As we watched, the waiters started putting bottles of expensive Scotch on each table. My friend said that most customers spend several thousand euros to impress the girls, then take them home when the dancing finishes at 3:00 a.m.

But I don't have €1,000 to spend, and I can no longer stay up until 3:00 a.m. when I have to work the next day, so we left.


Blogger secretdubai said...

Do you mean that the plastic bracelets are so locals can buy them, rather than alcohol, as a sign of what alcohol they actually want?

1:07 am  
Blogger Dubai@Random said...

SD: In the US, people put paper money in their cleavage. Here, people give paper money to the man with the bracelets, he gives the bracelets to the women, and (the customer thinks) she can redeem the plastic bracelet for the money.

The champagne is ordered as in the West, for about €300;. Then an open bottle is brought out from the bar and the girl(s) are served. With gingerale, of course.

5:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sound same like the Thai club with bracelets & necklaces in flower/beads sold by the club promoters to fat ugly expats $100 each to 'praise' the naked hookers beauty which the bracelet worn back by her in collecting 'credits' on 'votes' who is the prettiest/popular prostitute of the nite; which she thank the customer with a hand clasp & bowed of Sawadeekap(thank u) said in a sneaky smile with her manager look on. At the end of the nite, who paid the most moolah will get a short date by her upclosed.

6:01 am  

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