Sunday, November 19, 2006

Carbon Dating in Dubai

(Carbon Dating is about the only kind of dating that is legal in Dubai. I refer, in this case, to dating bi-pedal carbon-based life forms.)

On November 2, 'GrapeShisha' posted a link to 'Dubai Dating Chronicles', the Chronicles of a man who seems to have the problem of women wanting nothing but physical gratification, no scintillating conversations, no romance, just straight to the chase.

I'm afraid this sounds like the problem of Cricket as perceived by an American: if, in cricket, the ball goes over the boundary, the batter scores the cricket equivalent of a 'home run' without having to first get to any of the bases.

I once had a roommate who was 185 cm tall who used to have that complaint. He had more than 100 women a year demand service, and he tried to oblige, but he said he hated only being wanted for his body, he wanted a woman who would love him for his mind.

Strange, but true. Not that I believed my roommate when he said he hated it, but he really did say it.

And Haroun of 'Dubai Dating Chronicles' seems to feel the same way as my former roommate, to judge from his blog.

Meanwhile, there’s another view of Dubai Dating from the distaff perspective, called 'Single in Dubai' (actually, that’s my euphemism for the blog, just to be safe), with Layala and Noora.

And, to make things even more interesting, Haroun and Layala got together and both wrote about it, separately.

I, at least, found it interesting to read about one date from both points of view.

(I'd seen it done before in fiction, but never in real life, and in fiction, one of the gender's perspectives is necessarily written by a member of the other gender.)


Blogger Haroun el Poussah said...

My first time here, nice blog. Thank you for the mention :)

7:22 pm  

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