Sunday, November 05, 2006

Camera Obscura

As a confirmed pedestrian, I don’t really pay attention to the radar cameras posted all along the highways of the UAE, so this report is from a driver I know, and I’m just reporting what I heard.

He said that the cameras in Dubai take a photo of the front of the vehicle, allowing the authorities to identify the driver and also to see who is in the front passenger seat.

But, he said, the cameras in all the other Emirates only take a photo of the backside of the car.

This is due to the culture of the Emirates, which forbids taking a photo of a woman’s face.

Especially if she is sitting next to a high-ranking but un-related person of the male persuasion.


Blogger Basil K. said...

This is very untrue... all camera in Dubai take pictures from the Front... Some cameras closer to the Abu Dhabi highway take from the back but that has nothin to do with protecting faces or any1...

11:48 am  
Blogger Dubai@Random said...

Basil: As I wrote, I don't drive or look at speed cameras, I was just reporting what I heard.

And, since you agree that some cameras take pictures from the back, please explain how you know it has nothing to do with protecting faces.

3:12 am  
Blogger Legal Translation Company in Dubai said...

UAE Intellectual Property Laws

6:28 pm  

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