Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sonya (Conclusion?)

Sonya’s husband bought her a ticket for today, and took her to the consulate for an Emergency Replacement Passport. Today, he will drop her at the airport and she will try to fly home.

Of course, her original passport is with the Sharjah Police, who held it after she was arrested for possessing beer in Sharjah.

Sonya and her husband are hoping that, given the alternative of paying for Sonya’s incarceration and ticket, she will be allowed to depart with nothing more than a ban stamped in her passport.

Unfortunately, this is all I know, and probably all I will ever know. When Sonya’s husband gets depressed, he refuses to answer his mobile, and, whether Sonya gets on the plane, or gets returned to Sharjah, I suspect he will be depressed.

And if, after a month or so, he finally answers his mobile, I don’t think he’ll tell me what really happened.


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