Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Avoiding Chills

Where I grew up, summers were in the 30s. Sometimes the 40s. I was very happy when my parents finally purchased an air conditioner. It was a primitive model that only cooled one room down to the high 20s, but life was vastly better after my parents purchased it.

Or would have been.

My mother thought it unhealthy in the extreme to go from the high outside temperatures to the (relatively) cool room with the air conditioner, that it would cause chills. She insisted we stay in another, un-air-conditioned room so we could gradually cool down.

Now that my mother (rest her soul) is no longer around, I try to freeze myself until I'm numb before stepping out into the Dubai heat, so I can't feel it for 15 or 20 minutes, and I try to re-numb myself upon re-entering my flat.

But there are still those who wish to cool down slowly.

I can observe a pool where people lie beside it to absorb the sun's rays, then go into the sauna where they can cool down slowly before proceeding to a regular room where they might catch a chill.


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