Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Bedu and the Jinn

An old bedu was leading his flock of goats along the beach in a Northern UAE Emirate when he found a bottle with a seal that had the insignia of Sulayman. Of course, the old bedu did not recognize the insignia of Sulayman, so he broke the seal. When he did so, a huge and terrible looking Marid appeared (a marid is the kind of jinn often found in bottles). The old bedu was terrified, but the marid did the old bedu no harm. Instead, he said 'You have freed me from the bottle. I will give you one wish.'

'I have never been to Europe, but I've heard the summers there are fair and pleasant. Could you make the UAE summers like the Europe summers?'

The marid replied, 'I'm sorry, but I cannot violate the laws of physics and meteorology. Please ask me for anything else.'

The old bedu thought for a long time. Finally, he asked, 'Sir, could you please enable me to understand women?'

'Your wish is granted,' replied the marid, who then disappeared.

And that is why today, Europe has summers where the temperatures regularly rise into the 40s.


Blogger secretdubai said...


Though flooded UK inhabitants might be considering legal action against that jinn ;)

11:49 pm  

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