Monday, January 22, 2007

Another UAE Tale of Terror

Fahd suffered a horrible fate recently. Sensitive or squeamish readers should read no further, so ghastly is the tale that follows. This is a grisly tale I have never seen in the West, but I can attest that I was an eyewitness, and all the details of this gruesome story are true:

Fahd lived alone with just two maids who cooked and cleaned for him.

Fahd invited Farook, a terrible man with an evil eye, over for dinner. Farook said it wasn’t fair that Fahd had two maids while Farook didn’t have any. Then Farook put his evil eye on Fahd’s maids.

Sure enough, both maids left, even the one whose passport remains locked in Fahd’s safe.

The evil maids didn’t even leave Fahd any toast for his breakfast: all he could find was half a loaf of bread.

The maids used to order food and cigarettes from a nearby grocer who delivered, but they did not leave the number.

Poor Fahd is starving, suffering horribly without his cigarettes, and doesn’t even have any clothes to wear.

Never, in all my long years, have I ever seen a more evil fate befall an innocent man, and all from Farook’s evil eye.


Blogger CG said...

That is absolutely awful.

I certainly hope that he manages to get to the agency to hire a few new ones.

6:43 pm  
Blogger Legal Translation Company in Dubai said...

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6:45 pm  

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