Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Punjabi Thali (and Aroma soup)

I recently posted that I'd eaten Punjabi Thali and had a nosebleed, and one comment said that it must have been much too spicy for a Westerner. But actually, the nosebleed might not be bad.

I have some former colleagues who are always sending me pamphlets such as, 'Are you getting enough praseodymium in your diet?' One time, they sent me an article saying that Indian food was the Drano® for the human plumbing system: that it cleans out your digestive and circulatory system of all the gunk, just like Drano® does for your drains. Of course, I'm not altogether convinced I really need more praseodymium. On the other hand, I am convinced that I need more Indian food (from time to time).

I've had quite a few friends and relatives die of strokes, which are caused when your circulatory system gets clogged up or when it springs a leak. As best I could tell, the Punjabi thali unclogged anything I might have had blocked. (Either that, or it sent my blood pressure through the roof.) In any case, I am almost convinced that my former colleague's e-mail about Indian food has some merit. Unlike their e-mail about praseodymium.


Tonight, I showed a different, and (he claims) rather wealthy colleague, how to find Deira City Centre. He insisted on buying me dinner, but I didn't want much just for acting as guide to City Centre, so I suggested a place I knew where I could just order a cup of soup. So he and I both ordered a cup of tea and a cup of soup. Which cost €22 for the two of us. I didn't realize how expensive this place was. It is a big shisha place. Soup in a normal, non-hotel restaurant in Dubai is about €1.40, and tea is normally €0.10. Even the big, 5-star hotels don't charge €20 for soup. I'd had soup here before with a Saudi, but he ordered while I was in the bathroom, so I didn't know how much it cost. Still, it is rather good lentil soup.

I may even go back, if someone else is paying.

Just before we left, a young lady came in, found a young man, and both left in a taxi. My colleague figured it was a cash transaction: she'd come in, wandered around until she found someone alone, and persuaded him to leave with her. I figured she'd come there to find her husband, found him, and departed with him in a taxi.

Why anyone would need a taxi after shisha escapes me, but a Syrian said he thought shisha was the Arabic whiskey, and had the same effect on Arabs that whiskey has on Westerners. But he was a Syrian, so his pronouncements do not always carry the full ring of truth. And I never saw him either puff on a shisha or drink a whiskey.


Blogger Harsha said...

Though Indian food can unclog ur blocks. Too much of it can sky rocket your cholesterol as well.

9:13 am  
Blogger BuJ said...

never trust a syrian :P

...especially if they talk to you about alcohol or women.

11:03 pm  

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