Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Ramadan Kareem

Today is 3 Ramadan 1429 (Islamic dates change at sunset, not at midnight), and I would like to wish both readers of Dubai@Random a Ramadan Kareem. My dictionary defines Kareem as: 'generous, liberal, munificent, bountiful, noble.' May Ramadan be all those things to my readers.

As I predicted, the Saudi TV has completely revamped its programme for the holy month of Ramadan. All the secular programs run during most of the year are replaced by programming that is appropriate to this special month. As two examples,

'Oprah' has been replaced by the more spiritual, 'America's Funniest Home Videos;' and

'Dr. Phil' has been replaced by 'The '70s Show.'

The first season of 'Buffy, the Vampire Slayer' is back , but I don't normally watch that channel, so I'm not sure what it replaces.

At least they replaced one version of 'The Biggest Loser,' with another version, since Ramadan is about fasting.


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