Sunday, March 23, 2008

Dire Warning for Easter

In November '41, every US military base in the Pacific received a dire warning from Washington about an imminent Japanese attack. The US military textbooks made it clear that aircraft were only suitable for reconnaissance, and that it would be a court martial offense to squander precious resources preparing for an aerial attack, which could not possibly damage US capital ships. So, following the textbooks, the US military worked hard building fortifications against a naval amphibious attack. After weeks of exhausting work on the fortifications, all Army, Navy, and Air Force personnel took a well-deserved rest on Sunday, 7 Dec.

In summer of '01, US intelligence received reliable reports about an attack that would occur before the autumnal equinox. US customs and immigration security was intensified, and US airport security tightened, so that a domestic attack was absolutely impossible. All US MENA embassies therefore prepared for the imminent attack, and I was almost shot when I wandered a bit too close to a US embassy. Admittedly, I looked a bit suspicious: a Pakistani friend had asked me to meet him by a US embassy (the most noticeable landmark in the city where we were), but, after I'd agreed to meet him, he'd heard (in Urdu) about the new security measures, and kept well away from the embassy, while I wandered around looking for him. Until I was almost shot, whereupon I removed myself as far from the embassy as I could manage. (My Pakistani friend hadn't bothered to inform me, since he assumed that, as a Westerner, that I would be in no danger. At least I hope that's why he hadn't bothered to inform me.) US security remained on high alert until the second week of September.

Now we have a Dire Warning that an attack is imminent for this Easter. I have already reported that the Dubai police have surrounded all the churches in Dubai and are searching all passers by, and that they have banned parking in the car parks near the churches (though DURL is also partly responsible for closing those lots).

According to my own intelligence sources, Al Qaeda has recruited a large number of disaffected bunnies, and they are expected to be distributing eggs with very high levels of bad cholesterol.

So beware.


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